Monday, March 19, 2012

Linaras, 15th of Deepkolt, P.C. 967 - Willow's Journal

I don't think things could have gotten any worse for us on this trip if we had tried to upset every evil god and goddess on Krynn.

Apparently Taywin has completely forgotten that in the winter on the plains are harsh and unforgiving.  I have been tracking her little kender self halfway across Ansalon, hampered by the weather every miserable step of the way.

Even Mariana has started to get dejected with this so called adventure.

How do I know that it's Tawyin?  She keeps leaving me hints, every few days there is a camp with some trinket left behind and we always seem to be a day or so behind her.

Today a new wrinkle appeared.  We came across what we at first thought was another one of Tay's abandoned campsite, but Kethyar was acting strangely as we approached.

As we topped a gentle rise (these rolling hills are really playing havoc with my sense of topography!) we realized that the campsite was not at all abandoned.

The human male that was left for dead by the bandits couldn't be in worse shape.  I was able to keep body and soul together for now, but for now we are stopped to make sure this man survives his wounds.

He woke for a while, and seems to be lucid enough to tell me his name is Elric, but beyond that, I could not get anything from him.

Mariana is off gathering what she can find for firewood, if we don't freeze to death, we might be able to get back on the road in a day or two.

I just hope that Taywin is FREEZING right now.

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