Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bracha, 28th Day of Gildember, 943 P.C. - Willow's Journal

I would normally be settling in after a very busy Night of the Eye, but tonight was a night like no other.  Cold, and snowing, this is just not right.  Not this far north, not this time of year.  It's barely even fall and we have almost six inches of snow!

The Lord of this Keep seems to not care and while Fiona tries her best, her hands are tied on this.

Even the wolves are out in force tonight.

Fiona, Taywin and Dal graced us with their company for awhile this evening.  Dal even had a few guests, although I'm a bit nervous that there were so many drow in the area, but if Fiona is at ease with these strange elves, I can't really argue the point.

Especially since they were by far not the oddest guests at the inn this evening.

I know that there haven't been ogres in the area since Huma's war, much less an ogre traveling in the company of two of my people. So when they walked into the inn it was defintely something to be noticed.

Did I mention the wolves were prowling tonight?  Samual and his band of ruffians decided to harass Dal.... again, and while I would not trust Fiona's bodyguard any farther than I could throw him, the boys were a bit over the top.

The other dark elf provided a bit of entertainment however, casting a perfectly placed globe of darkness down on Samual's head.

Markum and Varian were, as usual, very helpful, if a bit late in arriving at the party.

I have retired to the kitchen for the moment to let Elric take care of the mess that the squires left behind and to make sure that  Fiona and the others have managed to sneak out the back way safely.

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