Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bracha, 21st of Darkember, 942 P.C. - Fiona's Journal

Perhaps if I write this down it will sone how get them to leave me alone.

I know that they can hear me, they can hear everything and know everything, how could they not know that this would happen?

But I must not let these things shake my faith, I have dedicated myself to him for 10 years now and I'm know that him and his fellow gods are seething at what has happened.  All but one, the one that weeps quietly, whose voice is more of a whisper to me.

But to my task, for as I have learned from my family history, nothing is certain and even I might not make it to the end of this trial.  If so, perhaps this information will help the others.

This is what I know.

Father needs his harp
Grandfather needs his ring
Grandmother needs her staff
Great-Aunt needs her chalice....

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