Thursday, June 14, 2012

Palast, 16th of Darkember, 943 P.C. - Willow's Journal

Taywin and the others have left.  They say that they are heading South towards Ergoth and Foghaven Vale.

I can't help be feel a bit distressed though, considering what I found in the groups rooms when I went to tidy up.

With all of the tumult that has happened the last few weeks, I would not have been surprised that something like that might happen in this town.

It's just that... well these sort of things don't happen around here too often.

I hesitate to tell Elric, but I see no way around it, but I am rambling.  I tend to do that a bit when I'm upset, I suppose it's from dealing with Kender so much.

So, here is what I know.  Xeno, one of the Kagonesti that was a traveling companion to the Orge, I found him dead with out a mark on him.  A Kagonesti in the prime of his life, dead like that, highly unlikely, so I decided to use a spell just to make sure, and my suspicions were confirmed.....

Xeno had been poisoned, one of my people murdered under my very roof. I have no idea what this poison was that killed him, but there is no mistake that someone murdered him. There was even something left behind, as if the person the committed this act was trying to attract attenion to the deed, if not to themselves.  Perhaps it is someone that follows one of the new gods?

I hope that whoever did this is not tracking Taywin and Fiona's group.

I suppose I can't keep this from Elric any longer, the town folk will be in a panic after what else happened tonight...

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